[Campaignforrealdemocracy] TASKS - campaign for real democracy, what can you help with?

james holland james at dogmanet.org
Mon May 18 09:14:26 BST 2009


the main task it to get a good group of 10 or 12 people on the 
campaignforrealdemocracy list who are interested in pushing forward the 
idea of helping local communities to set up consensus based, democratic 
'councils' these should be from 2 groups

1) locally based campaigns that might themselves have an interest in 
moving on to setting something like this up in their area
2) areas that are already doing something similar
3) people involved in consensus based groups or projects that want to 
take the idea of consensus democracy further

with the idea of getting these people together for meeting in the next 
fee weeks.

4) arrange the first meeting

mark is working on 1 - he's contacting many campaigns in london and (i 
think) asking them if this is something they might be interested in and 
getting someone to join the group / or agree to come to a meeting. I 
guess he could do with some help on this as there are LOADS of campaigns 
all over the country.

2) I've been in touch with people from the marsh farm outreach project 
(i've added them to this list), which seems to have a vision of bottom 
up democracy, this could inlcude traditional 'intentional communities' 
or any other democratic projects - so if anyone knows of similar 
projects out there we need to know as their experience / insights will 
be invaluable.

I am working on 3) - mostly within the climate camp and and other forums 
where people might be involved in consensual democracy - i could do with 
suggestions, so if you know any groups (or individuals from groups)that 
work by consensus and might be interested in extending this, please me 
let know

4) i know some people are investigating venues etc for a meeting - i 
guess any suggestion or offers of help would be useful


James Holland


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