[HacktionLab] Some ideas for Hacktionlab Jan 2012

Alan Dawson aland at burngreave.net
Sun Jan 8 15:40:48 UTC 2012

On Sat, Jan 07, 2012 at 04:47:10PM +0000, Adelayde Skidmore wrote:
> Hi Alan,
> I think all three ideas are great, and really relevant.  Would you mind
> if I put them on the web page?

Please do  :-)
> More comments below....
> Cheers,
> Mike.
> On 31/12/2011 11:16, Alan Dawson wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Regarding the upcoming 1-in-12 Hacktionlab, 
> >
> > Some not completely formed thoughts on discussion areas
> >
> > Social Contract for Communications Providers
> > --------------------------------------------
> >
> > The Social Contract for Communications Providers is a work in progress that's being developed
> > "... to improve users' understanding and awareness of privacy matters, as well as the privacy levels offered by tech collectives and groups".  The actual name is not finalised completely, another working alias is "Providers Commitment to Privacy"

> > The SCCP would be a measured and meaningful way we could further develop these ideas.
> Interesting stuff.  It's quite specific and only going to be relevant to
> some people, so perhaps a short introduction and side session?

I would disagree that it's only going to be relevant to some people,
but I guess we can sort out the exact details and times when we are in Bradford

It's about recognising that network service users have no reason to 
trust the network service provider.
It's about the network service providers and users working with each other to 
develop a framework which is easy for users to understand, so users can make an
informed choices about which services to use, and what the risks to their privacy are.

For communication services providers this could be quite a difficult process, as it will
mean changes to working practices, and both internal and external audits of systems by peer providers. 

As a communication service user I only want to use systems that are actually doing what they say.
And as I don't have root on all the systems I use, having those providers being part of a community 
that is actively maintaining good practice seems like a 'good thing' to me :-)

I'd like to see the TTA book only recommend services that meet or are working towards meeting
the levels in the #sccp

Of course these are some if the things we can talk about :-)

> >
> > Political Responses to the ACTA and upcoming Digital Repression
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> Well we can't underestimate the importance of this ominous legislation. 
> This would be really interesting to cover and also I'm going to show the
> video at any opportunity.  I propose that we also include something on
> the site about it.

I'm guessing that the political responses to legislation involve lobbying
politicians and dealing with legal challenges in courts.

These are activities I'm not thrilled about, generally preferring the 'hacker' or 
'engineering' approach of designing some kind of circumvention to threats.
We like to build things to develop emancipatory communications rather than fix 
broken system that didn't include us in the design process anyway. For example compare
the development on Community wireless networks and ADSL local loop unbundling.
When we wanted to get internet connectivity in our areas I was more interested in 
installing 802.11 routers than writing letters to the DTI and OFTEL

But I'm becoming more convinced that we are going to need to protection
from the draconian laws that seek to limit how,when,where,and what we 
communicate about.

Maybe links with the ORG and PP can help here. 
Perhaps this also links in with Micks's detailed and enthusiastic post about
developing an organisational structure for hacktionlab ? 


Alan Dawson
"The long revolution is creating small federated microsocieties, true guerilla 
 cells practising and fighting for this self-management. Effective radicality  
 authorises all variations and guarantees every freedom. "  
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