[HacktionLab] Fwd: Pirate bay

Ben Green ben at bristolwireless.net
Tue May 1 09:53:03 UTC 2012

Quoting Charlie Harvey <charlie at newint.org>:

> But you should also dump virgin if they aren't going to let you use the
> internet properly. They'll keep being bastards if there is no commercial
> pressure not to be.

I think they've done pretty well as not giving in to corporate  
censorship pressure so far and have been really hounded into this.  
Good time to dump them now, but would be good to attach it to some  
kind of campaign so they actually get the point and feel the pressure  
of those on the side of freedom.

Supporting smaller and more independant ISPs is good thing though too,  
time to publicise them, particularly if they are making a public stand  
about IP/security/privacy issues. Anyone know of any ISPs that are  
doing this?

 From Ben Green

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