[HacktionLab] Reporting BAMS issues

Mike Harris mike.harris at xtreamlab.net
Wed Jun 14 16:17:42 UTC 2017

Thanks Mark,

I liked the "kids are also people" one as well ;)

I've also raised an issue for a 'fast arrival' feature that means that
you press a key to mark an arrival and enter the pay amount if they were
due to pay, then it automatically saves them as having arrived today.


El 14/06/2017 a les 15:43, mark ha escrit:
> Mike Harris:
>> Hi All,
>> If you were a user of BAMS at BarnCamp and had any issues with it, or
>> suggestions for new features, changes, or improvements, please open
>> issues at https://github.com/mikebharris/BAMS/issues
> I've just submitted two feat requests and they've locked my account, so
> here they are:
> Search on name / email #5
> This is a feature request for a change in workflow, so when we're
> looking for an attendee who doesn't know their auth code (that's
> everyone btw), we don't have to page through the list of all attendees
> to find them.
> Paging through everyone is tedious, but more importantly, we shouldn't
> really be displaying all those details on the console because people
> probably don't want every other attendee to see their credentials.
> Adding the ability to search on email or realname would make this
> unnecessary.
> The new workflow could be home screen > F2 to search > enter either
> authcode / realname/ email > display matching record or 'no results found'.
> This would require a check for collisions in realname / email at the
> point of registration
> Skip view, go straight to edit #6
> There are hardly any situations in which we need to view a record
> without editing it, so we can save a step from the flow by going
> straight into the 'edit' screen each time a record is accessed.
> Cheers,
> Mark
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Mike Harris . XtreamLab
w: https://xtreamlab.net
e: mike.harris at xtreamlab.net
t: 07811 671 893
s: adelayde

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