[HacktionLab] fediverse

Kate Dawson k4t at 3msg.es
Wed May 22 12:23:54 UTC 2019

On Wed, May 22, 2019 at 01:12:51PM +0100, Kate Dawson wrote:
> Also, rather than centralising on mastodon.social 
> (which is the largest of mastodon servers, and well maintained by the 
> lead dev Eugene Rochko), having an fficial a/c on sends a nice message 
> of federation support and diversity.

This should have said "...having an official a/c on a different server
(i.e. NOT mastodon.social) sends a nice message of federation support 
and diversity."

sorry! Also, as before, any presence is better than none. 

If an official a/c gets set up somewhere, do say, and I shall try to
amplify it. 

Xxx Kate
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