[HacktionLab] HacktionCamp 2022 - a (f)unconference - June 10, 11, 12 Todmorden

Naomi naomi at aktivix.org
Fri Mar 25 07:59:15 UTC 2022

Yup will do that later today and message the list when tis done

On 25/03/2022 07:20, Mike Harris wrote:
> Naomi: great you can help with the website, can you put up a new page 
> on the HL website for the event and something on the Home page? 
>  There’s some ideas jotted down on the original Etherpad that Mick and 
> I started - https://pad.riseup.net/p/hacktionlab-2022 - but I suggest 
> we move to the Wiki as the single version of the truth as soon as it’s up.

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