[HacktionLab] We can finally build our own media - link to video presentation

ekes ekes at aktivix.org
Thu Aug 3 19:35:13 UTC 2023

Mike Harris:
> the new generation of activists, especially in the environment movement 
> were not engaging as much with alternative platforms (and tech) as did 
> the previous generation of activists; Indymedia was largely built in the 
> ambit of the anti-globalisation/capitalism movement, and that out of 
> things like Reclaim the Streets: it was very anti-capitalism and having 
> independent control over our tools. Thirdly, Indymedia just couldn't 
> keep up with the technical innovations and modern look and feel of the 
> aforementioned mainstream social media platforms, and this put people off.

Thinking about it the Indymedias that have continued, those I can think 
of, all have strong connections to the active movements in their areas. 
They've kept going even as the technology and social media has arrived.

But that's not the only reason for what happened with Indy UK. Before 
disintegration it and regions did have people active in Palestine 
Solidarity, Anti-Arms trade, Animal Rights and the new Climate anti-coal 
etc. groups. All of which were super active. The latter obviously 
becoming more so. It wasn't just ex-reclaim the streets, 
anti-globilisation activists who moved into just media activism.

That said I'd still say the thing that makes a difference for the 
continuing Indy's is that personal connection to the active movements. 
'Be the media' does seem to be more than using the services of others.

Just a train of thought,


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