[imc-uk-emergency] Re: [Imc-uk-features] Feature about our regionalisation

ionnek ionnek at gmx.net
Wed May 14 16:48:54 BST 2003

how about something like that:

News from IMC UK

Announcement: www.uk.indymedia.org about to upgrade

After 3 years of green red & yellow on black, the IMC UK website is going 
to change within the next 10 days (hopefully :-). We need an upgrade 
because the number of daily postings has gone up from 5 per day in 
September 00 to 167 per day in May 03, because lots of people had to be 
VERY patient trying to upload big media files, and because a number of 
regional imc groups is ready to maintain their own imc pages.

Thanks to a different <a href="http://mir.indymedia.org/">codebase</a> and 
a different server, the new site will provide all these functionalities. 
The site will change and improve over the next few weeks, while admins and 
users get used to it.  IMC UK (= United Kollektives) is practicing on a <a 
href="http://uktest.indymedia.de/en/">test-site</a> and invites you to have 
look, too. Let us know how you get on with it on the <a 
href="http://lists.indymedia.org/listinfo/imc-uk">imc-uk</a> list.

If you are near Cambridge, Lancester, Leeds, Liverpool, London, Manchester, 
Oxford or Sheffield, watch out for launch parties in the coming weeks.

To improve the hot chocolate colourcode on the testpage, we're calling for 
a colourcode-competition. Please send your proposals to the <a 
href="http://lists.indymedia.org/listinfo/imc-uk">imc-uk</a> list. We 
haven't thought of a reward yet but it's gonna be a surprise!

We'll keep you posted
IMC United Kollektives

Of course the competition can be dropped, dunno if its a good idea. Also 
not sure about launch parties - is anyone thinking of having one?
And I didn't include stuff like "your posting will appear on any imc uk 
site that you choose in the publish form" etc, I think this would be too 
long and specific. Maybe add a line in the present "publish" form which 
points people to the publish form on the test site?

Also it would be nice to have some friendly blabla - that we will continue 
to have an open publsihing platform with news from the streets or so.

I didn't know how to include Scotland in the list of launching imcs, 
because it's a region, not a city, and because I don't know if they want to 
advertise the change widely.


At 00:07 10/05/03, Tony wrote:
>Hello all
>I would like to propose that before we move to MIR - that we put up a 
>feature on the front page explaining to the users what we are doing with 
>the regioalisation process - what it will mean to them and if they have 
>any 'constructive' suggestions. I would not go into the MIR code this to 
>much - maybe a link for those that are interested - but a positive 
>explaination of what changes will happen - how they could use the site in 
>future - how archiving and catagories will be better and how local voices 
>will have a clearer space to be heard...
>Any takers for writing it? :-)
>cheers tony

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