[imc-uk-emergency] brief summary from IRC meeting 15th May 2003

ana penasana at yahoo.es
Fri May 16 19:54:14 BST 2003

This is an attemtp of summary of conclusions we
reached in irc on thursday night:

 1. what regional collectives are we starting with:
     oxford sheffield are ready to maintain their
     leeds and cambridge are probably ready
     scotland is lookin fine wif dutch so its a
question of design
london is not in this list because it doesn't have a
template - so there will be no london page just on the
date of the launch - which is fine with london crew.

2. open posting model:
     it looks like every body can live with 'dutch
model': all postings show, afterwards nazis etc are
hidden. Although ideally would prefer 'german'
moderation before hand, legal and practical issues (eg
lack of people to maintain it) make it impracticable.

  3. other regions:
     heated debate...
     but it looks the "other-region-sceptics" are
happy as long as theres's ppple maintaing that
section. so the idea is to ask on network/process if
there's people volunteering to maintain it... one
possible question is if sara wants to take on

  4. timing of launch:
     vince wants to go live next thursday
     others said saturday in 10 days if the publish
bug is fixed
     which looks possible (have to aks zapata)

  5. we put the announcement feature online tonight on
the uk site (this was done the next morning)

  6, we use the following article types for the start:
     UK Feature
     Regional Feature
     Startpage-special (sticky on top)

  7. we keep the actions section as it is for the

  8. we keep the world section in the REGIONAL topics
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