[imc-uk-emergency] Re: [Imc-uk-features] Hidden - disagreement & some lists.indymedia.org info

Alfred Scott womblemedic at bigfoot.com
Sat Oct 4 13:18:40 BST 2003

Hey all!

Seeing as sarai, is down i am re-sending an email that i sent to
imc-features on thursday (2 oct 03) here...

[INFO: sarai is the computer which hosts lists.indymedia.org - more info
at http://docs.indymedia.org/view/Sysadmin/SaraiInfo and ppl are working
on it!! i guess they are contactable via the #tech channel on
irc.indymedia.org - current <<Topic for #tech is “sarai unreachable,
colo contacted">>]


I think I would actually disagree with all of these...

278322 - possibly could agree with this one: but more on the side of
'Advertising: posts with personal or product promotions' in that it's
basically trying to get ppl to look at her/his website.  However, would
probably say that it IS news - aren't 'we' [imc] meant to be reporting
stuff the other, corporate media doesn't?? and isn't it correct that WMD
seem to be slipping off the agenda, now that leaks are saying that after
6 months the americans still cant find anything??
 and anyway, at a quick glance, looks like an interesting site it links

[would probably have been more inclined to hid ram - and I'm also not
sure on what grounds 278336 was hidden - guess i should go and check

278353 - although not stated, IS probably relevant news: after all, just
turned out last weekend that CAAT had been infiltrated for a long
time... now isn't that news??

278358 - and this too: had read it earlier and actually thought it was
an interesting analysis, comparing two different but similar situations.
"Non-news:" maybe - but still relevant as to why and how governments
influence people.

I'm going to *un*hide them - anyone bothered?? And can it at least be
discussed in the irc channel first [next time]



On Thu, 2003-10-02 at 19:58, Jon Fox wrote:
> 278322, 278353, 278358: non-news.
> Indymedia United Kollektives editorial list
> http://lists.indymedia.org/mailman/listinfo/imc-uk-features
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