[imc-uk-emergency] Re: Hidden - disagreement & some lists.indymedia.org info

ana anap at riseup.net
Sun Oct 5 01:11:23 BST 2003

Hi all,
thanks gdm for the infos.

can i propose that, as soon as sarai is up again, we start a discussion 
on process list about to what extent we are hiding non-news,and why? 
Some time ago it was proposed to take off the non-news from the 
editorial guidelines as a reason for hiding. I supported this. I didn't 
see any argument against this. So why is it not done?

In my opinion if we want to improve the 'quality' of the newswire what 
we need to do is not censor the rant/non news, but highlight more wire 
articles into the middle column/s. it works - guaranteed.

Also can i remind people that there is a cathegory (or topic, to speak 
mir language) called rant, that people can put non-interesting articles 
in. This will not make those articles dissapear from the wire but in the 
future we may decide to put them somewhere different, so it won't harm 
putting them in that category from now on.

Also about the channel; some times mir does weird things like not allow 
ppl to publish even if the server is up and running. It is not to make 
publicity but sometimes going to the channel and simply state 'i haven't 
been able to publish for the last 1/2 hour' can start the process to 
solve the problem; techies are not checking the system continiously for 
us 'customers', this is a collaborative project in all senses.

Also about the channel, there is a meeting today sunday at 8.00pm, i 
think, preparing agenda & organisational stuff for the Sheffield 
meeting. Btw we're still waiting for summary and/or logs from last week.

that is all - only for now he he...

Alfred Scott wrote:
> Hey all!
> Seeing as sarai, is down i am re-sending an email that i sent to
> imc-features on thursday (2 oct 03) here...
> [INFO: sarai is the computer which hosts lists.indymedia.org - more info
> at http://docs.indymedia.org/view/Sysadmin/SaraiInfo and ppl are working
> on it!! i guess they are contactable via the #tech channel on
> irc.indymedia.org - current <<Topic for #tech is “sarai unreachable,
> colo contacted">>]
> I think I would actually disagree with all of these...
> 278322 - possibly could agree with this one: but more on the side of
> 'Advertising: posts with personal or product promotions' in that it's
> basically trying to get ppl to look at her/his website.  However, would
> probably say that it IS news - aren't 'we' [imc] meant to be reporting
> stuff the other, corporate media doesn't?? and isn't it correct that WMD
> seem to be slipping off the agenda, now that leaks are saying that after
> 6 months the americans still cant find anything??
>  and anyway, at a quick glance, looks like an interesting site it links
> to...
> [would probably have been more inclined to hid ram - and I'm also not
> sure on what grounds 278336 was hidden - guess i should go and check
> admin]
> 278353 - although not stated, IS probably relevant news: after all, just
> turned out last weekend that CAAT had been infiltrated for a long
> time... now isn't that news??
> 278358 - and this too: had read it earlier and actually thought it was
> an interesting analysis, comparing two different but similar situations.
> "Non-news:" maybe - but still relevant as to why and how governments
> influence people.
> I'm going to *un*hide them - anyone bothered?? And can it at least be
> discussed in the irc channel first [next time]
> best,
> gdm
> On Thu, 2003-10-02 at 19:58, Jon Fox wrote:
>>278322, 278353, 278358: non-news.
>>Indymedia United Kollektives editorial list
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