[LAF] [Fwd: [rampARTannounce] Rampart newsletter 29th January 2008]
Volodya at WhenGendarmeSleeps.org
Thu Jan 31 15:00:08 UTC 2008
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Forwarding this just because i was partially one of the people who might have
implied that rampART is no more.
- -------- Original Message --------
( message from rampART mailing lists. see footer for details )
Rampart newsletter 29th January 2008
Hi again,
No further news from the court appeal, which is good news in the short
term certainly.
Strangely, as part of our appeal process we have been asked to provide
official transcripts from the court case last year. They want these for
the 20^th of Feb. Unfortunately these are a bit costly (you have to pay
the court for them!) so if anyone knows a way of wrangling out of paying
so the fees...
Aside from the cost, we're optimistic as since they're asking for
transcripts for consideration that could well mean that the appeal will
go ahead. This could go on and on.. and definitely in the case of other
squat spaces, like St George's theatre, where they lost their court case
and were still around a year later.
We're a bit concerned that the idea has gotten round that the Rampart is
already gone, and that isn't true at all. The social centre is still
running and available to groups for events, meetings and workshops for
as long as we have the space.. which could be for some time still yet.
Which leads us nicely to the upcoming activities at the Rampart this week:
== Popular Uprising in Oaxaca ==
When Mexican paramilitary forces shot Brad Will in the chest, killing
him, his camera fell from his hands. But it didn't stop recording. It
continued moving from hand to hand, telling Brad's story, as well as the
story of the movement of movements that he was a part of. From the
squats of New York to the forests of Oregon, from the anti-globalization
protests in Seattle, Prague, Quebec to the popular uprising in Oaxaca,
Brad's camera paints us a picture of what his life was about, and what
so many of his friends continue to struggle for.
Film screening and debate. Starting 8PM
== Rampart free cinema ==
8PM start
While The International Monetary Fund (IMF) “Sees World Growth Slowing,
With U.S. Marked Down” and the turbolent time of the political “complex
italian situation “ of January 2008 ...
Secret Warfare: Operation Gladio And NATO's Stay-Behind Armies:
Operation Gladio:
Operation Gladio: Template For The War On Terror:
'Operation Gladio' is a most revealing documentary which exposes the
network of American, French, Italian and Belgian agents who committed
terrorist attacks on the European public, placing the blame on leftwing
activists and communists. Hundreds of people were murdered in cold-blood
so that fear could spread and political influence gained in European
These clandestine NATO-sponsored terrorist cells operated between
1948-1990, and were part of what former CIA director William Colby
described as a "a major program."
They were internationally coordinated by the Pentagon and NATO and had
their last known meeting in the NATO-linked Allied Clandestine Committee
(ACC) in Brussels in October 1990. Operating in all Western European
countries under different codenames and coordinated by the Allied
Clandestine Committee and the Clandestine Planning Committee under the
umbrella supervision of the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe
(SHAPE) within the NATO and with the active supporting role of the
Pentagon, CIA and the British MI6. The secret army was clandestine and
illegal in many countries and staffed by loyal anti-communist soldiers
and rightwing activists recruited from various sectors, surprisingly
many with a past with the nazis or fascist armies during WWII. These
armies have been employed also against the national communist (and in
some case socialist) parties under the complacence of domestic
intelligence services with several suspect cases of assassinations and
some documented cases of terrorist attacks against civilian targets, or
in overturning democratically elected governments (Greece and Turkey)
too dangerously left-leaning.
Nato's Secret Armies is an essential guide to understanding post-war
European politics and the powerful realpolitik of EU-US relations as it
provides a complete documentation of the general patterns of this army
across Europe that if taken in isolation would seem improbable.
Today analogies with "new” terrorists again secretly trained by these
same secret services ?
== Reclaim Your Health ==
An Alternative Homeopathic Clinic focussed on empowering & enabling
you to health.
One-to-one consultations on a monthly basis. Remedies, Essences, Herbs &
advice to take during the month.
Rampart Social Centre, 15-17 Rampart Street, Whitechapel, E1 2LA
Every Friday: 2pm – 6pm
How Much?
£0. It’s an exchange or barter clinic. Bring whatever you want. Eg.
Skipped food, poetry, art, socks, a good book or an IOU!
reclaim at homeopathy4health.co.uk
* Please email before to find out where this will be happening. *
== Violence and the State ==
Part 1) At Goldsmiths College -
Projections and discussion of films and documentaries
12:00pm – 6:00pm
Small Hall Cinema - Goldsmiths College
New Cross, SE14 NW
- - 12pm: Z (1969, Costa-Gavras, 127min)
The film presents a thinly fictionalized account of the events
surrounding the CIA assassination of democratic Greek politician
Gregoris Lambrakis in 1963. With its satirical view of Greek politics,
its dark sense of humor, and its chilling ending, the film captures the
sense of outrage about the military dictatorship that ruled Greece at
the time of its making.
2:45pm: Documentaries and short films
A documentary about borders in Europe and how it affects nomadic
communities and various short films.
- - 4:15pm: Punishment Park (1971, Peter Watkins, 88min)
Set in a detention camp in an America of the near-future, Punishment
Park’s pseudo-documentary style places a British film crew amongst a
group of young students and minor dissidents who have opted to spend
three days in ‘Bear Mountain Punishment Park’ in lieu of length
Part 2) At Rampart -
"How non-violence protects the state" UK tour with author Peter Gelderoos
Starting 7pm
Peter Gelderloos, author of How Non-Violence Protects the State is
giving a discussion tour:
Violence never solves anything. Violence begets violence. The government
is strong when it comes to violence, we need to attack them where they
are weak! Everyone working for social change is familiar with the
cliches of pacifism. And to many people it seems that using more
radical, illegal, or violent tactics is naturally isolating. But what if
it's actually our supposed allies, or our own revolutionary practices,
that are isolating us? What if violence is something diverse,
undefinable, a hopelessly broad category that encompasses institutions
that perpetuate oppression and actions that can empower and liberate us?
What if we are all cogs in a violent system, and what if pacifists are
tools of a violent system?
People working for social change face plenty of difficult questions, but
sometimes matters of strategy and tactics receive low priority. Among
many activists, the role of nonviolence as the default mode of struggle
bears little scrutiny. Even as it pretends to contain moral strength,
nonviolence is a major obstacle in global movements for social change.
Nonviolence is based on a number of historical falsifications that
enforce an inaccurate understanding of revolution, it protects white
privilege and the privilege of the Global North, it can reinforce
patriarchal dynamics, and it makes anti-authoritarians complicit with
the authorities, preserving the State monopoly of force.
Ultimately, nonviolence is created and encouraged by the State, and
antithetical to anarchist revolution.
== London Social Centres Network meeting ==
2PM at the new Hackney squat
As I'm writing this I haven't been able find details about this meeting
but I know it's on.
A support network for the various London autonomous spaces and a chance
to discuss plans for the April 2008 days of action for squatting and
autonomous spaces (http://april2008.squat.net/en/)
Best check Indymedia nearer the time if you're interested.
++ Radical Reading Symposium has been re-scheduled for the summer ++
But the Radical Reading group are still meeting every month so come
along to the next one if you wanted to take part.
++ We need a Permaculture 'facilitator' ++
Our work in readying the new building has reached a point where we feel
we need advice in how to proceed with it in a permacultural way. Things
are getting thrown away that don't need to be thrown away in the
confusion that is the 'collaborative work site'.
We have plans in mind but need some permacultural guidance in order to
reduce the amount of waste being created and to ensure we are managing
the construction work in the correct way. Kinda specialist request I know..
If you know anyone who might be able to help with this please pass this
on to them. We are pretty limited with the work we can do with the space
without re-evaluating the overall process.
++ Spare mobile phone? ++
We need a mobile phone to use as a reliable means of contacting whoever
is in the new building, so if anyone has a spare one going they don't
mind donating then let us know.
Pipe dreaming, but a walkie talkie set would be cool too..
Thanks a bunch.
We'd like to take this opportunity to also thank everyone who has helped
out so far with the new building. Your help has really been a
life-saver. Keep it coming!
- --
This is a message to those subscribed to the rampART mailing list.
To sign-off of subscribe see http://lists.riseup.net/www/info/rampart
See http://rampart.co.nr for more info about the project and events.
15 Rampart Street, London E1 2LA (near Whitechapel, off Commercial Rd)
07050 618445 rampart at mutualaid.org
Text 'follow londonscn' to 07624801423 then reply with a name as instructed.
- --
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