Mailtda's non-commercial use clause, was: Re: [matilda] crisisof consensus

Joe Morris malatesta_uk at
Wed Nov 9 13:26:31 GMT 2005

Cuthbert>joe, what is the difference between a band selling merchandise 
after their
Cuthbert>gig (and charging people to get in and see them perform) and the 
Cuthbert>art market?

That would depend on WHY they were selling the merchandise, not the fact
they are doing it.

Cuthbert>In my opinion the difference is two fold on one level it is 
Cuthbert>(alot of differences of opinion are based on language rather than
Cuthbert>substance) and on a more practicle level at the proposed art market 
Cuthbert>artist has offered at least 30% of any money made to go to matilda.

I was under the impression that bands sold merchandise to facilitate their 
That includes having to buy food to eat, fuel, other travel costs.

I have no problem with Steve using Matilda and selling his merchandise to 
his creativity, and if, within that, he wanted to donate money to Matilda, 
that would be very generous of him.


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