Mailtda's non-commercial use clause, was: Re: [matilda] crisisof consensus

Amparo P Gutierrez amparo2yo at
Thu Nov 17 05:45:36 GMT 2005

> No I left it to anyone who wanted to actually make the Artshop happen
> but no one brought it up.
> I think the problem with the artshop is probably more to do with
> practical reasons now - like how to get customers in there.

I don't see a problem here: "customers" will arrive to watch an artshow 
(like the current fringe event which is attracting a good audience but 
is being ignored as a potential target --except for email addresses 
being collected--). But communications seem somewhat to be stagnant. Do 
you really, honestly believe that someone would dare bringing up the 
topic of an artshop after what was said in the previous meeting (after 
the open rejection and passionate refusal)? It's an odd way of 
thinking... wounds need a bit longer to heal.

Anyway, thanks for consideration.


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