Events types, was: Re: [matilda] Re: gigspace collective related-proposal

Chris chris at
Tue Oct 11 17:30:24 BST 2005


On Tue 11-Oct-2005 at 05:09:37PM +0100, Helen and Nick
> Big Parties are a big issue for the whole building I
> accept. I am abit of a loss as to why a gig till 12,
> where an outside group of people (who we think are a
> responsible bunch) are organising it, where there may
> only be 30-100 people need so many matilda people to
> look after it? Perhaps a few if we wnat to do a bar/cafe
> to raise money for matilda. Understandable for all night
> parties, but for Art 05, IMC film fest, peace in the
> park workshops, zine readings? Are there 14 volunteers
> for the dissent weekend - who knows what unruly types
> will turn up to that? The IMC one passed off smoothly
> with just 3 people hosting it.

I agree, the numbers needed does depend on the type of
event, perhaps we need to define 3 or so events types...?

1. Events where a small number of known and trusted people
   are attending (eg IMC weekend).

2. Events where a fair few people attend, and it doesn't
   go on all night, like a gig.

3. Massive all night parties...


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