[matilda] We want in-for-mation

Dan dan at aktivix.org
Fri Mar 24 20:59:16 GMT 2006

> At Leeds common place the landlords dont seem to have done very much it
> has been all down the common place collective.

Depends on a couple of things.  First, what you agree to take on in a 
lease.  Longer term leases tend to mean that the tenant(s) take on 
responsibility for the building fabric.  I doubt Common Place have to 
fix the roof or re-do their wiring.

Second, a lot of these rented derelict 'works' tend to remain a grey 
area - to the benefit of both landlord and tenant.  You can probably 
think of a few around S1 and S7 where this happens. Only time will tell 
if we can get away with that too.

> Possibly the most worrying thing about this latest visit is that after
> asking almost everyone i have seen in matilda nobody seems to know about
> it.

Ah ha! You are seeing your role all upside-down, dude: you are a 
champion of knowledge, spreading information through-out the MATILDA 
massif.  A pioneer, no less!  Forging ahead with your new-found wealth 
of exclusive factoids and handing them out, willy-nilly, to everyone you 
- with your on-the-ground knowledge of who's best - deem worthy to also 
become meme vessels for the fact that some H&S consultants are coming round.

Serious point, though: turn that round, dude.  It's not worrying: how 
else are we to find out except through what's been done, which is a) we 
learned at Monday's meeting b) I've e-mailed the list and c) you're 
telling people? Did you expect YF to send us a fax?

Of course, YF didn't come and tell anyone in MATILDA.  That's coz we 
don't exist officially.  They're dealing with LTT.

> from
> cuthbert


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