[Reclaimmayday] Notes / next mtg. Mon 12th

protag protag at aktivix.org
Fri Mar 9 22:25:40 UTC 2012


According to my notes (below) we're meeting on Monday at the Resource 
Centre, 6.30.

Notes a bit sketchy, apols!


Apologies: Josh Keith Anna Sam M 

Attendees: - a veil on anonymity descends hereabouts...

Anne M drafted letter to unions [and others?] for fundraising - not to go
yet as bank details need updating - see e-list - 7 days for amendments -
needs to go soon as some branches only meet monthly

Bars - has anyone spoken to the Sparrow or other bars ? (No)  

Do we need two bars - do we need two stages? - seems like the favourite at
the moment

What is the difference between night & day ents?

What pulls a crowd? 

Can we chunk up 2hr blocks of stage time to offer out to groups (in the
interests of inclusivity, diversity, a sense of ownership and all that
jazz)? - probably but some structure and coordination will be required.

*ska!* (this may have been a response to "who pulls a crowd" above)

Personnel:  (bit of a ramble here - no notes - refers to stewards, stage
hands, clean-up crew etc.) Abbas may be able to help with overnight
security but is busy during the evening. Has all the right licenses.

BCB  {do they want to be involved? if so how? who will speak to who?)

Tables & chairs: might be able to get from BHF via Abbas ? can we do all
ourselves or will this just meet some of our needs?  

Jules, Heather, Ann to take on stalls co-rodination
Jim, Lukas, Andrew (poss also Dean/Heather) to take on programming

Jim to speak to youth service/culture fusion about having a presence

Lukas will talk to the Sparrow, or would 1in12 do two bars, how generous
can the Sparrow afford to be.
As Ana says - it's the same with the pizza.

[long conversation here about what is the right amount of proceeds to
extract from a commercial operation, and how to ensure all parties play it

Finances - Dusty will draw up a budget for next meeting and then wants to
handover once the ball is rolling.

Jules will chase Keith for bank details

*** Event manual & method statement for PSLG - public safety liason group.
JD will go through with Dusty ***

Next meeting BRC 6.30 21/03 Dusty will sort access to premises.

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