[Resistance-precarity] festival dissent april / publicity G8 action

Mike mike77 at macunlimited.net
Tue Mar 22 23:42:30 GMT 2005


re recent posts, I will be able to go on the sunday 10th april and talk at 
our workshop - preferably with someone else too - can anyone else make it 
then?  I have e mailed the organisers requesting a slot on sunday 
afternoon, and have forwarded the blurb below for the programme (adapted 
from our leaflet)

Our working group is organising action for the G8 that comes out of our 
day-to day struggles over work, claiming benefits, housing and resistance 
to debt.  Our aim is to take action that will inspire ongoing solidarity 
and subversion wherever we work and live, long after the G8.
Let's challenge the myth that people who are deemed unproductive in 
captial's terms - "economically inactive" - make no contribution to social 
well-being.  When we sign on, we're told to "actively seek" work.  But we 
actively seek the end of this profit-based system and work towards a global 
community based on freedom, co-operation and human need.
All welcome to this workshop to discuss action at the G8 and beyond.
contact <dissentagainstwork at yahoo.co.uk>


At our Edinburgh Claimants meeting this week, we agreed to propose the 
following to the network:

That we start publicising our action asap - on the following basis 
concerning location and time - "Monday 4th July, central Edinburgh"

Re the name of the demo we liked "Make capitalism History" though I have 
since discovered there is supposed to be another demo with the same name on 7th
We provisionally propose the following as an expansion of what the demo is 
No wage slavery  No dole slavery  No debt slavery  No army slavery

The last is specially in relation to "economic conscription" of the 
unemployed, and we thought it might be a good idea to invite the Gordon 
Gentle Campaign (Gordon was from the glasgow council scheme of pollok and 
was a soldier killed in Iraq after being actively recruited via his job 
centre, since then his mother Rose has campaigned against the war and 
against the way youngsters are conned/ forced into the armed forces)

We like the idea expressed in the existing leaflet of swamping benefit 
fraud lines on the day

We think it vital the action furthers ongoing resistance after the G8, and 
as part of this process we think it would be good to try and strengthen the 
network of groups round the uk involved in claimants and workers 
resistance, swapping info, leaflets, posters etc.  (Some of our 
publications are at http://www.autonomous.org.uk/claimants)

Finally, I think it is important we have publicity at the Festival of 
Dissent advertising the action......

all the best Mike, Edinburgh Claimants

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