[Resistance-precarity] RE: [Resistg8-wgaw] festival dissent april / publicity G8 action

Lydia Molyneaux lydiamolyneaux at hotmail.com
Thu Mar 24 13:03:53 GMT 2005

Hi Mike & everyone,

I like the ideas for the 4th July — especially broadening it to include 
economic conscription and involving the Gentle campaign.

By the way, you've probably noticed that the 'resistance-pecarity' list that 
was started at the ESF is pretty inactive. There is another precarity list 
for the 'Precarity Assembly' (another working title for a group without a 
name, primarily south-east based but it doesn't have to be). That can be 
subscribed via 'subscribe-precarity at lists.riseup.net'.  Since I'm on that 
list I'll forward Mike's email to it.

However, resistance-precarity was meant to be international in scope, so 
perhaps it might be worth posting announcements on it.


>From: Mike <mike77 at macunlimited.net>
>To: resistg8-wgaw at lists.aktivix.org, resistance-precarity at lists.aktivix.org
>Subject: [Resistg8-wgaw] festival dissent april / publicity G8 action
>Date: Tue, 22 Mar 2005 23:42:30 +0000
>re recent posts, I will be able to go on the sunday 10th april and talk at 
>our workshop - preferably with someone else too - can anyone else make it 
>then?  I have e mailed the organisers requesting a slot on sunday 
>afternoon, and have forwarded the blurb below for the programme (adapted 
>from our leaflet)
>Our working group is organising action for the G8 that comes out of our 
>day-to day struggles over work, claiming benefits, housing and resistance 
>to debt.  Our aim is to take action that will inspire ongoing solidarity 
>and subversion wherever we work and live, long after the G8.
>Let's challenge the myth that people who are deemed unproductive in 
>captial's terms - "economically inactive" - make no contribution to social 
>well-being.  When we sign on, we're told to "actively seek" work.  But we 
>actively seek the end of this profit-based system and work towards a global 
>community based on freedom, co-operation and human need.
>All welcome to this workshop to discuss action at the G8 and beyond.
>contact <dissentagainstwork at yahoo.co.uk>
>At our Edinburgh Claimants meeting this week, we agreed to propose the 
>following to the network:
>That we start publicising our action asap - on the following basis 
>concerning location and time - "Monday 4th July, central Edinburgh"
>Re the name of the demo we liked "Make capitalism History" though I have 
>since discovered there is supposed to be another demo with the same name on 
>We provisionally propose the following as an expansion of what the demo is 
>No wage slavery  No dole slavery  No debt slavery  No army slavery
>The last is specially in relation to "economic conscription" of the 
>unemployed, and we thought it might be a good idea to invite the Gordon 
>Gentle Campaign (Gordon was from the glasgow council scheme of pollok and 
>was a soldier killed in Iraq after being actively recruited via his job 
>centre, since then his mother Rose has campaigned against the war and 
>against the way youngsters are conned/ forced into the armed forces)
>We like the idea expressed in the existing leaflet of swamping benefit 
>fraud lines on the day
>We think it vital the action furthers ongoing resistance after the G8, and 
>as part of this process we think it would be good to try and strengthen the 
>network of groups round the uk involved in claimants and workers 
>resistance, swapping info, leaflets, posters etc.  (Some of our 
>publications are at http://www.autonomous.org.uk/claimants)
>Finally, I think it is important we have publicity at the Festival of 
>Dissent advertising the action......
>all the best Mike, Edinburgh Claimants
>Resistg8-wgaw mailing list
>Resistg8-wgaw at lists.aktivix.org

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