[sheffield-noborders] 'No to Deportations and Destitution' demonstration - Sat 28th Nov

northerner at riseup.net northerner at riseup.net
Tue Nov 24 15:32:40 GMT 2009

When the UK steps up its attacks on asylum seekers, South Yorkshire says
No. Call out to join the demonstration in Sheffield on Saturday 28th at
11am outside Sheffield Town Hall.

In a pre-election "get tough on asylum" move the Labour Govrnment has:
- Deported people to Baghdad claiiming it is "safe"
- Cut asylum benefits by £7 per week to £35 per week
- Threatened to deport people to Zimbabwe
- Forced people to travel in person the length of the UK to make an asylum

It's time for South Yorkshire people to show solidarity with those seeking
asylum from war, persecution and torture.

Organised by the South Yorkshire Migration and Asylum Group (SYMAAG),
supported by the Committee to Defend Asylum Seekers and many refugee
community organisations.

Would be good to bring solidarity from Sheffield No Borders. I'm hoping to
make it, and would be good to have a chat about the group afterwards!

Sorry for the short email for now, will email again later today or tomorrow!

Peace, solidarity, justice.

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