[ssf] anti-G8 info-tour group: anyone in Shef wanna host em?

Dan dan at aktivix.org
Wed Jun 20 16:58:05 BST 2007

Forwarded message: please reply to goodniteg8 at riseup.net

As you well know, activists from around the world almost effectively
shut down the whole region around the G8 summit just over a week ago
here in Northern Germany.

We (part of the German Dissent! anti-G8 Network Infotour Group) are
travelling through the UK for the next two weeks to show pictures
and videos of the protests, and to talk about our experiences of
organising and network building. We also have been in Scotland for G8
2005 and will make some comparisons and analysis of what worked and what
did not work in '05 and '07. In just a couple of months we go to Japan
(host of G8 2008) and Korea for an anti-G8 Infotour in the region.

If you would like to host our infotour there, do let us know as soon as
possible. The dates could be around 28 June- 3July, but 29 June is
booked at Sumac Ctr, Notts. If you are interested we
should confirm quickly. Our German based group has collectively given
350 presentations in 28 countries, and we generally know how to keep an
audience interested, and like going to autonomous centres the most,
whether they are in USA, Greece, Eastern Europe or the UK.

You can also phone me with more questions.

+49 179 929 6216

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