[syfaslane365] stuff

vic W-J victoria.imelda at btinternet.com
Wed May 24 15:29:08 BST 2006

hey, a few things came out of the last meeting that i thought everyone should know about, but i've lost any notes i took!
  THIS Saturday, meeting about 1pm at Matilda to make some banners etc, stuff to take to stalls. stay as long/short as you like.
  some people took on (i hope) booking stalls at events - Peace in the Park, Green Fair, (and another?)
  We're going to do a stunt on Hiroshima Day (Aug 6th) for publicity sakes. ideas included and 'interactive submarine' ie a big, flat cardboard submarine that peopel can sign (and perhaps write what they'd prefer 15mill to be spent on)
  next meeting is 13th June 7.30, a spokescounsil meeting, ie. make sure at least one person form your affinity group is going. (everyone is welcome too).
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