[syfaslane365] Lost property

srheywood at ukonline.co.uk srheywood at ukonline.co.uk
Sun Oct 8 14:44:04 BST 2006

Hi all

Well done all. I have stopped buzzing enough to note down all the lost property
which I found in the "black tank." I can hang on to it all until debrief, or
people can contact me to arrange a pickup if they need their stuff before then. 

black baggy hat (brand "thinsulate")
blue umbrella (brand "thompson")
dark-pink flowery umbrella
small tupperware dish
4 bamboo poles
2 big laminates of paintings by Jill
a very nice pair of size 10 hiking boots (brand "hi-tech")
face paints
small black wallet, as if for one of those flat, very oblong mobile phones

Other items are already claimed/distributed. Let me know about the above. No
hurry - 

hugs to all


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