[un/loquer] Fwd: Instructables January Build Night with Cool Neon

brolin . brolin108 en gmail.com
Vie Dic 6 01:38:23 UTC 2013

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Carley Jacobson <carley en instructables.com>
Date: Wed, Dec 4, 2013 at 7:15 PM
Subject: Instructables January Build Night with Cool Neon

Hello Makers,

I hope your holiday season is off to a great start!

We are back with our 2014 build night program. Like I mentioned in my
e-mail a few weeks ago, we are scaling back on frequency of build nights
and number of participants. We are really trying to focus on bringing
communities together and creating amazing content.

For January we are partnering with Cool Neon <http://www.coolneon.com/>, a
great online source for EL wire, to send out lots of EL wire and an
accompanying Arduino shields for fun programming.

Please keep in mind when signing up:

   1. This is a 2-part sign up - make sure to read the entire SIGN UP
   section in the forum post.
   2. By signing up you are agreeing to post 2 step-by-step Instructables
   including Cool Neon EL wire and arduino shield.
   3. Build Night

 Find event details and sign your space up for the January Build Night
There are 10 spaces available.

Have fun!


Carley Jacobson
Business Development, Instructables.com
Autodesk Consumer Products

(e) carley en instructables.com
 (m) 401.575.3163
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