[un/loquer] Fwd: [New post] Capitalism is now a ‘rigged’ and ‘manipulated’ System!
Santiago Gaviria
sgaviria en gmail.com
Sab Dic 14 20:19:04 UTC 2013
tema aparte, pero por la misma línea y más miedoso ....
On Fri, Dec 13, 2013 at 11:00 AM, Fabio Barone <holon.earth at gmail.com>wrote:
> sobre el discurso de los algoritmos de finanzas...
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Kingdom Economics - The Future Is Now <comment-reply at wordpress.com>
> Date: 2013/12/12
> Subject: [New post] Capitalism is now a ‘rigged’ and ‘manipulated’ System!
> To: holon.earth at gmail.com
> Don Swenson posted: "The vast majority of pundits who have been
> trading our virtual markets are now of the view that all these markets are
> RIGGED. CBS and Amanda Lang created this video on December 9, 2013,
> exposing our 'rigged' markets. Watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=" Respond
> to this post by replying above this line
> New post on *Kingdom Economics - The Future Is Now*
> <http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com/author/kingdomecon/> Capitalism is now
> a ‘rigged’ and ‘manipulated’ System!<http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com/2013/12/12/capitalism-is-now-a-rigged-and-manipulated-system/> by
> Don Swenson <http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com/author/kingdomecon/>
> *The vast majority of pundits who have been trading our virtual markets
> are now of the view that all these markets are RIGGED.* CBS and Amanda
> Lang created this video on December 9, 2013, exposing our 'rigged' markets.
> Watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ye0MHKJ00hw. I have observed the
> rigged and manipulated markets for some 5 years. The most obvious markets
> to discern all this rigging are the silver/gold markets. I recently ordered
> two silver coins from the GovMint and was told that there is a backlog for
> obtaining these silver coins. I now must wait until late February for my
> delivery. Also the cost of these coins is some $9 over the spot price plus
> another $7 for delivery. The demand is so strong that buyers do not
> hesitate to pay these premiums. What is the problem with our markets which
> has led to all this rigging?
> *Today's markets are machine driven and most trading is done via software
> and algorithmic programs!*
> For me, I am convinced that all this rigging is built into these markets
> because we do not have any real MONEY today. What we have today are virtual
> digits as our currency units and these units have no tie to nature or our
> physical reality. Today's currencies are much like the symbols I am now
> typing to compose this missive (no thing digits). We do not have a real
> monetary system today. To understand this reality we need to differentiate
> between 'money' and 'currency'. Money derives from nature and is
> material/physical. Currencies are political creations which emerge from the
> consciousness of select elite policymakers. Today's currencies are really
> 'imaginary' as they are merely images within our computer screen. This type
> of currency can not fulfill any of the functions of money.
> *This is a partial view of the trading room at the New York Federal
> Reserve Bank (transparency has not been allowed)! QE operations are
> implemented on the 9th floor at 33 Liberty Street, N.Y.*
> Money must fulfill the functions of: standard of value and store of value
> in addition to the functions of a medium of exchange and unit of account.
> The most important function of any money unit is that it must be chosen by
> the marketplace and it must be a 'standard' of value that the marketplace
> recognizes. To save and/or store value over time, money must be physical
> and outside our consciousness and outside the computer screen. Virtual
> currencies (unbacked and non-convertible into a physical commodity) are
> worthless as a standard of value or a store of value. Today, we have
> algorithms and computer programs executing most of our trading in
> real-time. Human beings are divorced from the process of valuation in
> real-time. This process leads to the rigging and manipulation of our
> markets.
> *William C. Dudley is Vice Chairman of the FOMC and the key policymaker
> for implementing QE operations at the N.Y. Federal Reserve building!*
> The above video shows and demonstrates that select trading firms (such as
> Goldman Sachs) are involved in this rigging and manipulation. And the
> biggest and most dynamic rigging is being done by our private Fed. The
> trading room of our private Fed consists of the computer desk (9th floor)
> at the New York Federal Reserve Bank on 33 Liberty Street. This trading
> room has multiple high-speed computers for trading and manipulating our
> real-time markets. You can witness this 9th floor trading room at:
> https://www.google.com/webhp?client=tablet-unknown&source=android-home#q=n.y.+fed+trading+room+images.
> Notice that computers and traders occupy the room and are active in the
> official manipulation and the rigging of our markets. There is no real
> transparency of this trading room and this leads to some speculation about
> what they are doing. As information emerges, however, we can determine that
> the Fed's asset purchases (called QE) are a major part of the process of
> manipulation.
> *N.Y. Fed building at 33 Liberty Street, N.Y. Some 80 floors beneath the
> street level is the gold vault!*
> Today, many within the silver/gold markets have the view that our private
> Fed is involved in the rigging of 'prices' within the real-time silver/gold
> markets. Today, the 'price' of spot silver declined some 4.3% within
> minutes on the New York Exchange. The demand for the physical metal is
> growing and strong...yet the 'price' of silver is manipulated DOWN by some
> trader or algorithm. Many think that J.P. Morgan Chase is involved in the
> rigging of the silver price. Others think that this rigging could start
> with the trading desk on the 9th floor of the N.Y. Fed building on Liberty
> Street. It makes sense that the official FOMC policymakers do not desire
> the spot price of gold or silver reach its real-time market value. If this
> were to happen, it would suggest that our virtual/imaginary dollar is less
> than creditable.
> *All the real-time markets are now virtual markets and subject to
> manipulation and rigging! The problem is that our currency is not physical
> and valuations can not be stabilized. This is not Capitalism! The entire
> system is mostly unconstitutional!*
> Yes, Capitalism is now a 'rigged' non-system. This means that a huge
> market collapse is developing. Our stock and bond markets are now virtual
> markets (within the computer screen). This type of market is unstable and
> it will collapse when 'confidence' collapses. My sense is that a
> 'confidence' issue will develop sometime in late 2013 or early 2014. The
> signs of this situation are now developing as more traders recognize that
> our machine driven markets are very unstable. Watch the markets in the
> coming days and weeks. Today's markets can change rapidly as we now trade
> at near the speed of light. Also, algorithms can be set to sell this market
> short when traders lose confidence. Watch and beware of rapid change and
> volatility going forward. I am: http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com
> *Don Swenson <http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com/author/kingdomecon/>* |
> December 12, 2013 at 8:53 pm | Categories: Uncategorized<http://kingdomecon.wordpress.com/?cat=1>| URL:
> http://wp.me/pt1I7-1xq
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