[un/loquer] Fwd: Biohack academy
Fabio Barone
holon.earth en gmail.com
Lun Abr 13 19:21:48 UTC 2015
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From: Fabio Barone <holon.earth en gmail.com>
Date: 2015-04-13 14:16 GMT-05:00
Subject: Biohack academy
To: Camilo Cantor <camilo.cantor en parqueexplora.org>, Cecilia Cardona <
cecilia.cardona en parqueexplora.org>, Claudia Aguirre <
claudia.aguirre en parqueexplora.org>
Cc: hackerspace medellin <unloquer en lists.aktivix.org>,
casatrespatiosinfo en gmail.com, Sonia Sequeda <proyectos en casatrespatios.org>
Acabo de tener un intercambio con Pieter van Boheemen, el impulsador de la
Biohack Academy de Amsterdam:
Ya hicieron talleres en Barcelona, en Saó Paolo, en Italia y en otros
Le pregunté si fuera posible organizar una en Medellín. Les adjunto la
respuesta aquí abajo.
Leenla y me cuentan que piensan.
Para mi, si en serio estámos pensando poner un biohacklab en medallo, esto
sería una preparación ideal.
Yo me apunto como coordinador (leer el correo de Pieter y ver el PDF para
saber para que), y podría ir a Holanda en Junio. Pero veo que el espacio
adecuado no lo podemos poner nosotros de unloquer (no tenemos laser cutter
a parte todo). Así que totalmente abierto a otras propuestas - sabiendo que
el espacio final de parque explora solo estaría listo en noviembre a como
sé yo, pero de pronto podemos organizar algo temporal? Alguna parcería con
una universidad?
También pongo en CC a CasaTresPatios por si se le ocurre algo.
Finalmente Pieter propone la opción de que él venga a impartir el curso,
mencionando más preparaciones. Leenlo y me cuentan, quedo atento
Oooooppss - después de leer el PDF...me asusté un poco. Dizque para cada
participante costos de 1000 EUR...excluyendo 500 EUR de materiales....aargh
Le escribí preguntando si eso era así fijo y si no hay descuento para
paises no-europeos...entonces también agrego esa respuesta.
Si quieren seguir adelante los pondré de una directamente en contacto.
Me cuentan.
*** Primer correo de respuesta a mi solicitud sobre hackademy en Medellín
Dear Fabio,
Thank you very much for contacting us and expressing your interest in the
Academy. We are indeed searching for new international partners for the
next round in September. The collaboration with Sao Paulo was very pleasant
and also rewarding. The Academy is living proof that Open Source
methodologies make it much easier to work together and catalyze development
of the international biohacker movement!
We made a small brochure that describes what's needed for starting a
partner lab:
Most importantly is a local coordinator. That person needs to arrange a
working space and attract participants. The space needs a 3D printer, laser
cutter and some general workshop tools. Apart from that generic kitchen
equipment like a stove, fridge and glass ware.
We can provide the coordinator with all the tuition materials, the designs
of the devices, instructions for the practicals and we will send over the
biological samples of the strains that we use. Also, during weekly
coordinator video calls we discuss the progress and adjust the program of
the weekly live streamed lecture according to the needs.
In June we are hosting a coordinator bootcamp, as a crash course for new
coordinators. Would it be possible for you to come over and attend this
It would also be possible for myself or someone else from our team to come
over to Colombia and teach the course. That would entail some more
preparations. What space in Medellín exactly were you referring to?
In case you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact
me. I'd be happy to discuss the details with you during a telephone or
Skype call.
The subscription form for partner labs can be found here:
All the best,
*** Respuesta sobre si hay posibilidad de reducir los costos para estos
lares ***
Hi Fabio,
The recommended fee is indeed 1000 euro per participant. The 500 euros is
needed for getting the components that are needed for building all the
equipment. It is our experience that hardly any student does that, as most
make just a selection based on what they find most useful for their own
These fees are just recommendations, based on a Western European economic
reference frame. You are free to adjust it to align it with tuition fees
that are considered normal in your country and make it more accessible.
That's also what has been done in Brasil. What amount do you think is fair?
The only thing I am trying to prevent is too much of a competition on price
between the partner labs. However, if people choose to follow the course in
Medellín instead of Amsterdam because it's cheaper that might not be such a
bad thing.
All the best,
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