[dissent-tech] Correction to Int Networking Working Group e-list subscription address

revolting revolting2005 at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Dec 9 18:46:20 GMT 2004

Hi. Also at the moment the address to email to join the international networking group e-list (the UK-based one) is currently advertised on the website as being:
dissent_int_network at yahoogroups.co.uk
when actually it should be
dissent_int_network-subscribe at yahoogroups.co.uk

Would be great if that could get changed too.

tabitha747 at riseup.net wrote:
This all sounds great to me - i just noticed though that the sections
under internationals which are currrently defined by language have more
than one text in them - anyway i'm happy to try and put up as you suggest
- defined by the text they translate. Please note the translated texts
will still show up in the lastest news bit on the front page though - but
i think this is a good thing. Does anyone mind if i get on with this?

The only thing though is that the 'internationals' label can't really be
too much longer or the menu list gets messed up- any other suggestions for
a short label -maybe just translations? Also as far as updating the web
each group should have a web person with at least basic skills for
updating otherwise you need to e-mail the tech list. there did seem to be
problems with the list but i think its all o.k now - well i'll chase this

all the best T

> 1) Would be good NOT to put the translations (eg: the dutch version of the
> PGA Call and the Spanish version of the translated explanation about how
> the international email hasn’t been working) in the news section. As an
> alternative: maybe the translations in the "Internationals" section could
> be filed. The existing translations could be filed under the heading:
> "Original International Call from Dissent!" a second section could be
> "Call for Global Day of Action from PGA European Conference" - we’ve got
> this translated into about 5 languages so far with another 6 or so coming
> soon., we’ll forward them as soon as poss. The translations in different
> languages could then be found under those sections. This could work well
> for storing some of the widely translated and distributed documents such
> as those mentioned above (and later, perhaps, the invite for people to
> take part in the February International Meeting in Tuebingen etc
> Translations of other, shorter texts (such as news items
> about faulty email addresses, calls for bands to organise benefit gigs
> etc
) could be posted at the end of the English language versions of
> those articles on the middle column or in the news section. Headlines for
> articles which have been translated could be followed by something like:
> [En + Esp] to show that the article is in English and Spanish (something
> often done posting to Indymedias etc
). Articles only in English could
> remain without an [En] after the headline, since that’s the primary
> langauge of the site.
> 2) The headline "Internationals" is a bit odd. Maybe "Translations and
> International Info" would be more appropriate, even though it’s a bit
> longer.
> 3) Having an email address for the webmaster (mistress?) would be good.
> Even if this job rotates, or all emails to it get forwarded to a list.
> It’s difficult to know who to contact with info, suggestions, corrections
> etc
 unless you know people personally involved in the Tech Working Group
> from going to gatherings. This comment has been made by quite a few
> people.
> That’s it. As I said, the site’s looking really good. Hope that the
> suggestions are helpful. Keep up the good work!
> ---------------------------------
> Win a castle for NYE with your mates and Yahoo! Messenger

Win a castle  for NYE with your mates and Yahoo! Messenger 
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