Mailing Lists |
Welcome! Below is a listing of all the public mailing lists on Click on a list name to get more information about the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change the preferences on your subscription. To visit the general information page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended. List administrators, you can visit the list admin overview page to find the management interface for your list. If you are having trouble using the lists, please contact |
List | Description |
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A_cafe | [a_cafe_k] |
Aas | Ashram Asylum Seekers |
AcLab | Anti-cloud Lab |
Activistmediationlist | [no description available] |
ADFC-WF-Radler | das Forum für Fahrradfreunde in Wolfenbüttel und Umgebung |
AktiviX-discuss | Linux for activists |
AktiviX-request | requests for email accounts and lists from |
AktiviX-users | for users of aktivix mailboxes and admins of aktivix lists |
alt-media-res | [no description available] |
Anarchaithacans | Anarchist Discussion, News, and Events in the Ithaca NY Area. |
Anti-rafle | liste de diffusion d'anti-rafle |
aul | [no description available] |
bilstonglen | Bilston Glen Anti-Bypass Protest Site Info |
Bristol-artivist | A Bristol group doing art with activist purposses |
BristolLegalObserverNetwork | Bristol Legal Observer Network |
Brumsc | brum social centre collective list |
Btm-network | [no description available] |
Cbe-allies | Fighting for environmental justice. |
cc-cambridge | climate camp Cambridge list |
Cc-communications | [no description available] |
cc-tranquility-welcome | climate camp tranquillity and welcome group |
Certif-agrofuel | [no description available] |
Cga-lyon-public | Annonces des activités, manifestation et envoie du journal du groupe lyonnais de la CGA. |
Channelcrossing | [no description available] |
Christianarchy-uk | Christians and Anarchists |
CIRCA | This is the announcements list for CIRCA |
Cja-press | Climate Justice Action: latest news |
Cntmirail | [no description available] |
Colombiasolidarityuk | [no description available] |
comosoc | organizacion interna de grupo local |
Cop25volun | testeos |
Defend-education-announce | Cambridge Defend Education announcements list |
Defend-education-media | Cambridge Defend Education media working group |
Defend-education-meetings | Meetings working group of Cambridge Defend Education |
Defend-education-organise | Cambridge Defend Education organising list |
Defend-education-outreach | Outreach working group of Cambridge Defend Education |
Defend-education-publicity | Publicity working group of Cambridge Defend Education |
Defend-education-teach-in | Teach In working group of Cambridge Defend Education |
Detainee-support-network | Support network for refugees, detainees and their supporters |
Development-southeast | Resisting Destructive Capitalist Development in the South East |
Dissent-announce | [no description available] |
Dissent-bristol-info | Bristol Dissent Research & Info |
Easf-announce | East Anglia Social Forum Announcements |
ENS | Education Not for Sale news |
ENS-discuss | deletion requested |
Escapegoat | [no description available] |
EvolvingMinds | for discussion of alternatives to psychiatry and organising relevant events |
Fareshares_newsletter | Newsletter for Fareshares, a food co-op in London |
Femfight | [no description available] |
Flame | Finger Lakes Action Medics & Educators |
Fnbfestival | Planning for the 30th anniversary festival of Boston Food Not Bombs |
Frac-Attack | Updates list for Frac Attack: Dawn of the Watershed |
G8-mediaresponse | [no description available] |
g8-sheffield | List for organising protests at the G8 meeting in Sheffield. |
Gca-announce | [no description available] |
graveyard-info | DotGoC! Information List |
graveyard-org | DotGoC! Organisers' List |
Growroots | [no description available] |
Gv-activiteiten | [no description available] |
Hacklabs | [no description available] |
HacktionLab | An occasional convergence to discuss technical topics |
Hacktionlab-announce | HacktionLab and BarnCamp news and details over upcoming events |
Hahasejtek | [no description available] |
HANDgreenteam | HAND Green Team |
Huntsabsmailinglist | Hunt Saboteurs Association |
Imc-tech-emerg | Indymedia backup list |
imc-uk-emergency | UK Indymedia Emergency List |
kc-aktion | KlimaCamp - Aktionsplanung, Aktionstraining, Anti-Repression |
Kc-finanzen | [no description available] |
Kc-infotour | Organliste der Infotour des Klimacamps |
Kc-mainz | [no description available] |
kc-medien | KlimaCamp - Medien, Pressearbeit und Internetpräsens |
Kc-oea | Ökoanarchistisches Barrio |
kc-orga | Globale Organisations- und Arbeitsliste für Koordination zwischen AG's. |
kc-presse | [no description available] |
kc-programm | KlimaCamp - Kultur, Programm und Workshops |
Kc-radioforum | Kc-radioforum |
Kc-rhein-main | [no description available] |
kc-schwerpunkte | KlimaCamp - Ort, Zeit und Schwerpunkt |
KillTheBill | [no description available] |
knowledgelab | knowledge and creativity in context: experimental exchanges about social organisation |
Knowledgelab-ireland | Knowledgelab list for Ireland |
LAF | London Anarchist Forum |
Lalibertaria | Espacio de Contracultura y Autogestion |
larc | london action resource centre |
Libertad-uy | conocimiento libre en uruguay |
lunevalley-g8-inform | a publicly archived list: get informed |
matilda | M.A.T.I.L.D.A. |
Mediatizados | MEDIATIZADOS |
Migra-g8-2007 | [no description available] |
Muenster-alternativ | Alternative Kultur, Politik und Aktion in Münster |
Nexus-orga | Orga-Liste für und um das Nexus (unabhängiges Kulturzentrum in BS) |
NGG-organisers | Northern Green Gathering organisers |
NoBorders-Brum | Birmingham NoBorders |
Nobordersnotts | [no description available] |
Northeast-earth-first | Northeast Regional Earth First! organizers list |
NXCG | Neville's Cross Community Gardeners |
Ot-gegenkrieg | [no description available] |
OtroSeminario | Espacio de encuentro, dialogo, intercambio, formación, reflexión, debate y capacitación. |
pagan-magik | pagan magikal aktivism |
palestine-solid | Popular Campaign for the Solidarity with the Palestinian People - Lebanon |
Pip | A not-for-profit community group organising the Peace in the Park 2005 music and arts festival. |
Pittsburgh-Medical | Action Medical Network for Pittsburgh |
Pln | [no description available] |
poolya.goe | koordinationsliste des gleichnamigen ressourcenpools auf |
Prayer-i58 | Praying and Acting for Another World |
ProChoiceBerlin-Info | Infoverteiler von Pro-Choice Berlin |
Project-fallujah | [no description available] |
Ptmoderation | Moderationsvorbereitung der Perspektiventage |
Reclaimmayday | List for organising Bradford May Day 2012 |
Reexistencia | [no description available] |
Resistance-precarity | Info exchange, discussion and solidarity on unwaged resistance and precarity, especially at an international level. |
Resistg8-wgaw | [no description available] |
RGA | Reading Grassroots Action |
rga-u | Reading Grassroots Action - updates |
Sans-cravates | Notre obsession, c'est la révolution. |
sas-announce | Students Against Sweatshops |
Scotia | The e-mail list for Scotia Works, Sheffield's citizenship centre. |
Shef2venez | [no description available] |
sheffield-hacklab | Email list of the Sheffield Hacklab |
sheffield-noborders | Sheffield No Borders |
sheffieldagainstwar-tech | Technicial list for the Sheffield Against War web site |
Sheffieldcoopliving | list for discussing all kinds of 'intentional community' in the Sheffield area |
Sheffsocialcentre | Announcment and disucssion list for Sheffield Social Centre collective |
soma-dev | To co-ordinate work establishing a multimedia metadata schema. |
ssf | Sheffield Social Forum Discussion List |
ssf-research | Sheffield Social Forum Research Group |
syfaslane365 | Email list for the Faslane 365 group centred around Sheffield. |
T-bag | Totnes based action group |
Tacomapmr | Tacoma Port Militarization Resistance |
Tecnologia_medios_comunitarios | lista para desarrolladores técnicos de medios comunitarios |
TeresaTreacySupportGroup | Teresa Treacy Support Group Updates. |
U-laden-nordstadt | Umsonstladen in Hannover-Nordstadt |
Whitechapelanarchists | [no description available] |
Wmaction-network | [no description available] |
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